Realistic animal Portrait

A unique animal portrait in watercolor, pastel or oil paint. I paint portraits in which the soul of the animal is reflected. A precious gift and lasting memory.

The process

As soon as I receive the request for a portrait I will get in touch with you. I will inform you about the waiting time at that moment and when I’m able to start working on the commission.

I would like to learn more about the animal(s) I’m going to paint and I can help you decide which medium I will use. I will also advise you on the size of the portrait.

If necessary  and possible we can make an appointment for taking pictures, but I can also use photos already taken. Please keep in mind that for watercolor and pastel portraits I need well exposed, high quality photographs. For oil paintings I can work with lesser quality photos as well. 

The Finished Painting

We agree on a date on which you will receive the painting at the latest and I will start working on it. Once finished I will send you a photo of the painting and we’ll discuss how I send it to you. Once received I hope you will be very happy with it. I advise you to frame the painting because watercolor and pastel are best preserved behind glass.

The use of high quality paints and pastel and acid free watercolor and pastelmat paper prevents the painting from yellowing over time, but it is important that you protect the painting from direct sunlight. 

If desired, special ‘museum’ glass is available at most frame makers. Keep in mind that this results in a slightly matte finish. When framing pastels it’ important that there’ s a little gap between the glass and the paper and actual glass is used. Plastic, like acrylic, will get static, causing the pastel to stick to the glass.

Get in touch

Leave a message using the form below or send me a WhatsApp message on +31648184865

Photo Examples

Photo Examples