About Cindy

My name is Cindy Wille and I live on the outskirts of the Veluwe, a national park in the Netherlands, together with my boyfriend, bull terrier Jay and bird Tony.

In daily life I work as a Functional Application Manager at an IT department at an healthcare institute for people with disabilities. I also work at a gym, where I teach a few groupfitness classes. I use the time that I have left to paint. In my studio, with beautiful music and my supplies surrounding me, that is where I can realy relax and unwind. 

First I started painting watercolor portraits, especially dogs. Later on I taught myself to draw with pastels and added other animals for my commissions. Up until recently I mainly focused on realism but in order to meet the desire for slightly more artistic portraits or ‘Whimsical’ as they call it, I added oil paint to my repertoire of mediums. With this I hope to offer each person a style that they like. 

I have a Bull Terrier myself and I am crazy about her. I understand more than anyone what it’s like to love an animal and I really enjoy being able to capture this in an original and unique painting.

My goal is to really paint the spirit of an animal. ‘Hey but that really is my dog!’ is what I’m aiming for. I hope I can touch someone’s soul with my portraits and give them something special that will always remind them of their beloved animal. 

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